Manage Numbers

You can use the Lineblocs dashboard to manage number settings – including number tags and flows. Managing numbers is a simple yet very useful feature.

Editing a number

  1. Go to DID Numbers -> My Numbers

  2. Click the "Edit" button next to your number

Change Number Name

Your number name is used as a label for your number. For example, you may want to make use of "Sales Number" if your number is related to sales. Or you may want to associate an appropriate name for your number based on its use case.

The number name is also used throughout Lineblocs – in call flow editor and other sections. Keeping your number name unique helps you search for the number when needed.

Add Number Tags

You can add one or more tags to your number. Number tags can be used to add additional filters to your number.

Number tags help you find groups of numbers based on common attributes. For example, you may want to use the number tag "West" if you know it will only be used by agents in a Western region.

Number Call Flow

To change your number's inbound Lineblocs flow you can update the "Attached Flow" setting.

Update Number

To save your number settings, click "Save"

Next Steps

For other related guides be sure to check out the following:

Porting Numbers

Monthly Invoices